On this page are listed links to other web sites that have information pertaining to the Cresson sanatorium and TB in general.
https://www.cambriacountyhistorical.com/ Some Info & photos of Cresson sanatorium
http://www.camgenpa.com Cambria County, Pa Genealogy web site with loads of info including some san photos. (Do search on ‘sanatorium’)
http://www.asylumprojects.org/index.php?title=Lawrence_Frick_State_Hospital Asylum Projects
This website contains brief excerpts from live interviews conducted with local residents of the Cresson area who have a past association with the Laurence F. Flick State Hospital (formerly Cresson TB Sanatorium), either as patients or staff. The interviews were conducted by Mr. Tomaselli’s Pennsylvania History class in the Fall of 2009.
Pittsburgh PBS Station WQED video about the Cresson TB Sanatorium entitled: Cresson: Remembering Life at “The San”.
http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&File_Id=3928 History of Seattle’s Fight Against TB (Do search on “Firland” for several articles about Firland Sanatorium and patient writeups)
http://whsmemorial.tripod.com/id29.html Waverly Hills Sanatorium Treatments For TB Patients
http://www.therealwaverlyhills.com/contact.htm The Waverly Hills Sanatorium
http://genealogytrails.com/cal/placer/Cemeteries/weimarhistorybook.html The Weimar Joint Sanatorium and the Weimar Cemetery
http://www.lung.ca/tb/index.html Canada’s Role In Fighting Tuberculosis
The items contained in the following document are located at the Pennsylvania State Archives in Harrisburg. PA Archives
American Public Health Association 1930 article “What Is A Preventorium” is at http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/pagerender.fcgi?artid=1555984&pageindex=1
http://www.ajph.org/cgi/reprint/15/9/764.pdf Sun Worshipping In Pennsylvania Kids
For many photos of children at a preventorium, go to http://public.fotki.com/Preventorium/preventorium-photos/ An excellant book on this subject is entitled “Saving Sickly Children: The Tuberculosis Preventorium in American Life, 1909-1970” by Cynthia A. Connolly 182 Pages Published 2008
The TB PhotoVoice Project provides cameras to tuberculosis (TB) affected community members (survivors, caregivers, friends, family) who take photographs that help them identify and improve their communities. The photographs represent what is happening in the participants’ lives and serve as a point for discussion about what can be done to change the present situation in regards to TB, stigma, education and related issues. These photographs and their accompanying narratives give a face and voice to TB.
//www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/PBC/chp1F.html#pneumothorax The Truth About Radiation Dangers (Breast Cancer Dangers Due To Fluoroscopy Radiation While Taking Pneumothorax
http://www.archive.org/stream/tuberculosishos00carr#page/17/mode/1up A book published in 1911 entitled “Tubersulosis Hospital and Sanatorium Design” by Thomas Spees Carrington, M.D. It contains many photos of existing TB sans and patient cottages.
(http://www.lung.org/ The American Lung Association is doing a great job fighting for clean lungs and clean air.
(http://quitsmokingcommunity.org/ The Quit Smoking Community has lots of info on smoking and its effects.
(https://tobaccofreelife.org/) Information and tips on how to get started, make a plan and stay tobacco-free.
“A Child of Sanitariums” by Gloria Paris. In the 1930’s at age 5, Gloria was diagnosed with skeletal TB and went through treatment and surgeries until she was discharged at age 14.
Click here to see the book.
“The Plague and I” by Betty MacDonald. Betty contracted TB and spent 9 months at Firland Sanatorium, outside Seattle, recovering. This book is a record of that experience. The tone is light-hearted and humorous and is an easy read. Click the following link for a more in-depth synopsis:
Newspaper Articles