The information below details efforts to preserve the memory of the Cresson Sanatorium and the people who were there. Each link is a PDF file.
Union Cemetery and Union Cemetery Re-dedication – These two files contain information about the Sanatorium Union Cemetery and it’s re-dedication.
Cresson Sanatorium Historic Site Application – The Cresson Sanatorium applied to be made a historic site, but it’s application was denied. Here are the documents covering the application.
Cresson Sanatorium Historic Marker – The Cresson Sanatorium was approved to be given a historic marker.
Saint Francis University “History of the San” Program – This covers a lecture given a St. Francis University that covered the history of the Cresson Sanatarium
Preserving Pennsylvania Award – This outlines the efforts of Chuck Felton, who created a website dedicated to the Cresson Sanatorium. The files in our Collection were originally created by him.